Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shiny new razor

There are two things I want to talk about today. They might not be important but somehow got under my skin for either being stupid or funny. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN in the morning and I had to take my 14 month old daughter with me. I had no one that could take care of her since my whole family is in Mexico and rely on my husband. He had a meeting and was not able to look after her. So there we were in the little room waiting for the doctor to do my annual. I was in a bathrobe running around my daughter. NOTE: I have no idea why those robes never have a belt. I hate that I can´t tie the robe around my body and not worry about flashing my daughter.

Anyway, the doctor eventually got in and she was so nice about the fact that there was 14 month old baby crying thinking she was going to be the patient. There I was legs open, having my annual with a crying baby sitting on my stomach thinking it was hilarious to bounce up and down hearing my breath whoosh every single time. It was one of the most aukward moments in my life. So that was the first thing. I guess that was the really stupid. 

Now for the second. Since I was going to go to my OB/GYN and even though she is a woman I wanted to groom myself. You know what I mean. Groom everywhere that might look weird or disgusting. So, I was showering that morning and I guess I must have used my husband´s razor because when he took a shower he said that it was filled with gross looking hairs. Tonight I took a shower and found my husband´s old razor next to my shampoo with a bow on it. Next to HIS shampoo was a shiny new razor. Do you think he is trying to tell me something???  


  1. LOL! Just found your blog browsing around so I want to say hello! I'm actually laughing pretty hard right now. So familiar(the razor)

  2. I know. I had never done that till that day and realized what a mistake that was. =)
